Workshops & Certification

1 - International Conference ( ICSIE 2011, ICETAS 2017&19, ACSAT 2017-18, ICT4M 2018, (ICAISA-2023)  )

2 - International Reviewer : (ACSAT’18, IJPCC’19, IEEE -TENSYMP’20, TCCE’2020,TCCE’20, IC4IR 2021)

3 - KICT Colloquium First Place (Twice Gold Medal) in 2016 &17 (IIUM)

4 - “Certified Cyber Defender Associate” Cyber Defender’16 (IIUM)

5 - “Web-Based technique and its maintenance” (LUCT)

6 - “Visual Basic and Computer Application Workshop” (LUCT)

7 - Java Application (J2EE)-Workshop ’11 (LUCT)

8 - Workshop: Software Testing’18 & Qualitiative Data Analysis’19 (IIUM)

9 - The Article Publishing Process : An Elsevier Author Workshop’2020 (International)

10 - "The Ultimate Trading Formula"-Workshop'17 (Kuala Lumpur)

11 - "Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition"18 (IIUM)

12 - "Experience  Sharing Seminar" 12-12-12 (UTHM)

13 - "Automated Testing Using Tools" - Workshop'18 (IIUM)

14 - "Work Experience-N.G.T. Sdn. Bhd. Cyberjaya" - Workshop'13 (Kuala Lumpur)

15 - "Thesis writing for Postgraduate Students"-Workshop'13 (UTHM)

16 - "Academic and Research Collaboration: Enhancing International Involvement"- Seminar"12 (UTHM)

17 - "Ethical Hacking Workshop"-Industry Portfolio"-Workshop'11 (LUCT)

18 - "Seminar on Mendeley and Sharing Experience"-Workshop'12 (UTHM)

19 - "The Research Journey"-Workshop'12 (UTHM)

20 - "Technical & Logistic Division / Committee for Microsoft windows Vista"07 (MMU)

21 - "Web Development & Design Foundations"-Workshop'08 (MMU)

22 - "International Workshop on Data Analytics"-Workshop'18 (UM)

23 - "Data Matters: Introduce to Data Science and R Programming for Data Analysts" Workshop'17 (IIUM)

24 - "Improving Presentation Skill"-Workshop'17 (IIUM)

25 - "I myself Project"-Workshop'17 (IIUM)